Episode 17: No choice but to move forward | Fullmetal Alchemist chapters 40 & 41

In Resembool, Ed and Armstrong join Breda and a mysterious man named Mr. Han from Xing, who sneakily leads them out of Amestris to the ruins of Xerxes. Exploring what seems like ancient alchemical marks, he nearly gets kidnapped by Ishvalan refugees, but is spared by an older woman with a shocking connection to him. In the east he encounters some familiar faces—ones he thought he’d never see again. 

The homunculi regroup after the loss from last time. Our friends in the military regroup in the hospital where Roy and Havoc are recovering, discuss what they learned, and plan their next move, but some of the crew may not be able to go any farther… 

Episode 18: You did this, and no one else | Fullmetal Alchemist chapters 42 & 42

Episode 16: Whenever possible, use the element of surprise | Fullmetal Alchemist chapters 37-39